we forced open small holes and planted / their delicate bodies, covered / the white network / of translucent roots. / We watered them and waited.
Read MoreTwo Poems by Chloe Martinez
You were looking for water, as you // (or some other five hundred ants) / always do in the heat, in September.
Read MoreFour Poems by Kristene Kaye Brown
I am slow to recall / how easy the heart / of a yard / can grow soft and green / again / come Spring.
Read MoreAtmosphere in Our Bullshit Little Town by Bryce Berkowitz
Most days, we skateboarded / like the sky was spilling out of our pockets-- / our crusty teenage hearts stuck in a cyclone / of a going nowhere town
Read MoreTrying to Translate Yesenin's Death Poem by Joseph Fasano
how dare you take this hushed young blood / I hold out like a thing you cannot sing of / and say that it is not already song.
Read MoreTwo Poems by Eileen Pettycrew
we float like bubbles, but I can't help thinking / about our hearts--shaped in darkness, arriving / with a sadness that turns us to fragments, like notes / cut loose from their songs.
Read MoreTwo Poems by Madison Rahner
Give me Leda with thighs / like bear traps, skull-crushing, ready to rush / the sky on her own wings. Leda who lies / poised, nails polished red on her lush shore.
Read MoreEpithalamion by Virginia Konchan
For you, I sat under a yew tree's shade / for a thousand years and did not twitch: / I ate only lemons amid a welter of fruit.
Read MoreThe Fish as Healer by Kelly Gray
By the pressure of water / my arms glide back / seraphic, / my fingers catching in the sea grass. / Here, I pray for the sting of salt in my eyes.
Read MorePerennials by Shelley Wong
Still, I lose: I cannot even recall/our common silences. The years have transposed/into any year
Read MoreSix-foot boy by Fay Sachpatzidis
as a child / when i couldn't sleep, / i'd slink into my parents' bedroom / and tickle my father's calloused feet
Read MoreGhost Child by Danusha Laméris
Only he is not my son. / He’s the one I was expecting that season / my belly grew taut as a honeydew.
Read MoreEverything Beautifully Sideways by Laura Minor
We sit and talk away the coolness of soil / until no one mistakes this for anything else, / and we are just a tangle of luxury in the grass, / a triangle of bodies holding up the sky--
Read MoreMermaid Tears by John Poch
He cannot fathom the stained glass of their eyes, / one girl Mediterranean blue and one a simple hazel / of the island colors here, a hillside mix / of stone pine green and brown volcanic soil.
Read MoreFountain Square by Emma DePanise
Face-up underwater gazing up bright, the rippled / branches were always more mesmerizing in motion
Read MoreTwo Poems by Brett Hanley
You found a map, / but someone spilled brine all over it, / and you can't read the names of the places / you're supposed to go.
Read MoreMy Mother in the Night by Jane Medved
she has disconnected / from earth, and is not responsible / for me. / She is shrinking / but too hard to lift.
Read MoreSeams by Rachael Inciarte
i am obsessed with things in pieces / forever finding my fingers inside the seams / ripping into them because they beg to be open ed up
Read MoreBirds of Prey by John Sibley Williams
Just another slow-moving dawn / & birds of prey break it like bones
Read MoreInvasive Species by Sara Moore Wagner
And there they are, our little / babies in the pond moss wetland / of the yard, all blonde amidst / the fallen limbs, the jagged lines / of timber.
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