Already it's mostly over: the ruler / laid down, the line drawn, the years penciled in / inches. One yellow smear / of highlighter for where I am right now, a dot / in space.
Read MoreTwo Poems by Anne Barngrover
Gaze upon my glowing dress, / ever spooled and spiraled. Trail my creeping rootstock / back to where I first learned the definition of grace / and how it always seemed like blackmail.
Read MoreVoicemail by Caroline Chavatel
I gargle salt every night, spit on my paper cuts & watch them ooze.
Read MoreNow and Then by Steve Mueske
we salted our hearts / with a stubborn faith, being young
Read MoreOde to My Belly by Jeremy Radin
You deserve it, / carrying, as you do, a nation, carrying, as you do, / the memories of a people / & what they longed for.
Read MoreLate Summer Metaphysics by Christopher Buckley
as you tip your hat to the sea, / the ashes of romance spilling / out, having climbed your last balcony
Read MoreTestimonial by Sean J. White
I admit my limits and my own smoke
Read MoreTwo Poems by Tina Mozelle Braziel
Something in a pelican reminds me / of a woman who knows she’d look regal / if only she can keep her skirt down.
Read MoreTwo Poems by Guillermo Filice Castro
On the first day of the New Year
I got a taste
of what my heart thirsts for,
iron now laced with apple.
Beauty by Steven Kleinman
A little spittle of pink
fell from the bag of organs
What to Look for by Cassandra Rockwood-Rice
You’d pull a jackknife from your / shirt pocket and shave the bark, shallow then deep
Read MoreContrition is possibly for fools by Mercedes Lawry
Nothing is better / than sleep, where you’re anchored. / Otherwise, you tell yourself little / spoonfuls of facts about this life.
Read MoreEclogue Domestica by Samuel Piccone
I don’t tell you how much it hurts when you finally open / your blouse and speak of tiny bones—
Read MoreThree Poems by Rick Bursky
We take turns dying. / Goddamn it, I think to myself, goddamn it.
Read MoreTwo Poems by Emma Murray
People who talk shit about trailer parks / have never listened to the Titanic sound- / track in a double wide—
Read MoreSings Herself The Rubble by Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
my heart a greeting / leaves me a stranger
but have since / come to learn that the body won’t go shrivel up / like a raisin just because you tell it to, and it sure / won’t turn to dust.
Read MoreOops by Amelie Meltzer
A moment like / the moment when I accidentally chewed on my tongue / instead of food and realized / how powerful and dangerous I am
Read MoreAnatomy of a Flower by John Moessner
A flower / is able to reproduce with itself, or wait for a bug to float / on the tongue of the wind and visit the bell of its face.
Read MoreProdigal Daughter by Clara Trippe
Generations of us did not migrate to bluer places to remain dry on the shore.
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